Climate and Migrant Justice North East

Tyneside XR (Extinction Rebellion)
monthly zoom -3rd Monday

7pm – 8:30pm
1 hour 30 mins
16 Sep

Join zoom here

Info on local (Tyneside) group  and  Click to sign up for local newsletter

Tyneside XR includes Newcastle, Gateshead, North Tyneside and South Tyneside. The group meets in person on the first Sunday of every month from 12-2pm at the Star and Shadow Cinema, Warwick St, Newcastle upon Tyne NE2 1BB. 
It’s great to join together to discuss what’s going on in the working groups and plans for local and national actions. Our Group Agreement provides some background on how we run our meetings and let’s you know what you can expect to happen.

Visit the webpage for this event

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