Climate and Migrant Justice North East

Extinction Rebellion Tyneside

XR Tyneside are the local branch of Extinction Rebellion UK.

XR Tyneside are the local branch of Extinction Rebellion UK. Extinction Rebellion is an international movement that uses non-violent civil disobedience in an attempt to halt mass extinction and minimise the risk of social collapse.

Get in touch

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We operate in Tyne and Wear.

Sunday 7 July

Monday 15 July

Sunday 4 August

Monday 19 August

Friday 30 August

Sunday 1 September

Monday 16 September

Saturday 28 September

Sunday 6 October

Monday 21 October

Sunday 3 November

Monday 18 November

Sunday 1 December

Monday 16 December

Sunday 5 January

Monday 20 January

Sunday 2 February

Monday 17 February

Sunday 2 March

Monday 17 March

Sunday 6 April

Monday 21 April

Sunday 4 May

Monday 19 May

Sunday 1 June

Monday 16 June